Thursday, February 24, 2005

Wold Golf Championship Standings

No, not the leader board of the actual tournament, the leader board of the pool. The points are 2, 4, 8, 16 for winners of the rounds leading up to the championship round. 25 for each Final Four winner, 40 for picking the third place winner and 50 for the overall champion. Here are the standings after round one:

1. Chris- 46 points (23-9)
1. Gail- 46 points (23-9)
1. Nate- 46 points (23-9)
4. Dan H.- 44 points (22-10)
4. Dan F.- 44 points (22-10)
6. John- 42 points (21-11)
7. Gaddis- 34 points (17-15)

Total Total Points which can be won by each player:

1. Gail- 46 points earned + 300 available = 346 possible
2. Dan F.- 44 points earned + 292 available = 336 possible
3. Chris- 46 points earned + 280 available = 326 possible
3. Gaddis- 34 points earned + 292 available = 326 possible
5. Dan H.- 44 points earned + 280 available= 324 possible
6. John- 42 points earned +272 available= 314 possible
7. Nate- 46 points earned + 235 available= 281 possible

I will try and update this after every round, but will be out of town this weekend, so my internet access will be limited.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Chris Sucks.

11:59 AM


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